Management Committee
The Committee consists of Chairman and Vice Chairman
who both serve for an initial period of two years
as well as a Secretary and a Treasurer
together with 6 Ordinary Committee Members,
all of whom are elected at the Annual General Meeting.
All members of the Management Committee also act as Welfare Officers
The Committee meets twice a year usually in March and October and work through
a full agenda to review membership; events and attendance; our finances; welfare;
and any topics which affect us as Barclays Pensioners or our relationship with the Bank.
Club Members are encouraged to raise issues for consideration.
Committee members elected at the 2024 AGM are:-
Chair - Robin Suckling
Vice Chair - Peter Chilvers
Secretary - Cynthia George
Treasurer - Paul Pruden
Yvonne James, Maureen Kimberley, Patrick Hall, Peter Mitton, Sue McEvoy & Cyril Lumley.
Our Welfare Officers are all the above committee members plus Rosemary Watson